D.C.’s Challenge – Community Impact

The District Commissioner’s Challenge is a great way for either Sections or whole Scout Groups and Explorer Units to earn a special badge and learn about our world and the communities we live in.

Complete each of the programme areas and then complete the badge request form to order your free badges for all young people and adults who took part in the challenge.

Click here to download the full pack and order form.

Let us know when you start the challenge and send in your photographs to feature in the D.C.’s Challenge Gallery.

Click to read about the sections who have taken the Challenge!

North Yarmouth Scout Troop’s DC Challenge Story

375 have now completed the DC Challenge, including;

1st Acle Cubs and Scouts

1st Belton Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

1st Bradwell Beavers and Cubs

1st Freethorpe Cubs

1st Gorleston Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
1st Great Yarmouth Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

1st Martham Cubs

North Yarmouth Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

Marsh Harriers Explorer Scout Unit

Nelson Explorer Scout Unit

Who will be next – send your completed forms and photographs to Shelly: dc@eastnorfolkscouts.org.uk